Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back to Yoga!

Om Kriya Babaji Namah Aum!

Hey Y'all

How's Yoga month going?  I have not been practicing daily. Shame on ME right? Nah! I don't feel shame but I don't feel Good! I don't feel as energetic! I don't feel as flexible, and I can feel the aches and pains that I was not feeling when I practice regularly.

So, back to the Asanas! Maybe you are going through the same thing! Get back to it!

BE Prayerful! BE Mindful! BE Careful!



1 comment:

ChocolateOrchid said...

I feel ya! It's been a minute since I've really practiced my yoga. I'm re-focusing myself to include that in my exercise regimen that I've recently started back up..